The pre/not-making of a painting. The painter, the artist, the bellmaker and other craftsman, and the filmmaker are all effectively auteur for certain type of work. That’s the allegory I got. However, I don’t think the non-historicising technique can afford the hyper-historicised story
这部拍的太棒了,从有影像资料开始的一百多年前讲到现在和未来,全都是 Trans 自己的心声,聊得也非常全方位多角度且有深度,很多话可以直接裱起来挂家里了。少数族群 be seen, be heard,but there's still work to be done,narrative 非常完整。所有不想像某个对别的族群发声诉求评价一句“可以,但没必要”的豆瓣用户一样的 privileged jerk(这个人我还能喷一年)的现代人都值得一看。