啊,看到19集特别美好,本来可以he,结果偏偏出了个20集啊啊啊啊啊,刚开始想给编剧寄刀片,连上帝都干掉了结果死在低级小怪手下??但是转念一想Dean在人间除了Sammy真的没什么可留恋的了,it's ok,他值得好好休息一下了。Carry on my wayward son, saving people, hunting things, family business, thank you & goodbye, you Winchesters.
Jim Carry being Jim Carry from a mile away. San Francisco got featured! Cool. It's a no-brainer action film, though I'd hoped that the action could have been much more elaborate rather than...tech-y, because let's face it, you can't believe Ironman or Spiderman in using advanced tech, especially drones for warfare.